Choosing the Right Groomer
Have you decided to forego bathing your pooch yourself, and opt for the simpler method of simply dropping Fido off at the doggy salon? Have you decided that you want your kitty professionally groomed? Choosing the right groomer is very important. Price is of course an important factor, but it shouldn’t be the only consideration when choosing a groomer. After all, you’ll be trusting your groomer with your beloved pet’s well-being! In this article, your local Miami veterinarian offers some great tips on how to pick the best groomer.
Ask For Referrals
Ask your friends, family members, and coworkers if they can recommend a good groomer. It’s hard to beat a great personal recommendation, so by all means follow up on any leads you get!
Stop In Unannounced
Dropping into the pet salon unannounced will allow you to observe the day-to-day working of the business. Are the employees upbeat and friendly? Do they talk to their furry clients? Does the place look clean and well-organized?
Request Certifications
Ask a potential groomer what types of certifications he or she has earned. While there is no nationally-recognized system for grading groomers, there are various schools and courses that do offer certificates. Do a quick check on the certificate offered.
You may think of a groomer’s appointment as fairly routine, but an inexperienced or careless groomer can really hurt your pet! In many ways, choosing a groomer is very much like choosing a babysitter or veterinarian: not a decision you would want to make lightly! Don’t be afraid to ask questions about your groomer’s history and experience.
What To Expect
You should be asked to provide proof of your pet’s vaccinations, contact information, and any pertinent medical information about your pet which could impact his appointments. If your groomer asks no questions, and doesn’t request any records, then likely other clients aren’t being asked to provide these things either. This is reason enough to take your business elsewhere!
Trust Your Gut Feeling
Last but not least, follow your instinct. If anything seems off, or if you just have a bad feeling that you can’t pinpoint, move on to another choice.
Please contact us if we can be of assistance. As your local Miami vet clinic, we are here to help.